6 signs your cat secretly hates you



cats cuddling

Sometimes it can be difficult to interpret your cat's behavior.
Flickr/Luke Jones
  • Cats can be loveable, friendly pets — but sometimes they might not like you very much.
  • If your cat has a lowered or puffed-up tail, it could mean they are afraid or uncomfortable.
  • Cats might also bite you or hiss at you if they aren't your biggest fan.
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As much as you might love your cat, sometimes they might not feel reciprocate this affection.

Mieshelle Nagelschneider, founder of the Cat Behavior Clinic , noted that although your cat could never "hate" you, they could develop some fear and mistrust toward you.

Insider spoke to several experts to find out the clear signs that show your cat is uncomfortable around you.

Their tail is horizontal.

A low-hanging tail isn't a good sign.

Russell Hartstein, certified cat behaviorist based in Los Angeles , noted that cats not only use their tails for their impressive balance, but also they use it as an outlet to express emotion through.

"A cat's tail is incredibly expressive and when taken in context to their immediate environment and the rest of their body language reveals a lot about what is going on emotionally and internally," Hartstein said. "It helps acts as a barometer of their moods."

Although Hartstein said that actions like tail wrapping (when they wrap their tail around you), an upright tail, and a "question mark" shape of the tail are all positive mood indicators, he noted that you should watch out for lashing, tail puffing (when the fur begins to fluff up), and a lowered horizontal tail.

"A lowered horizontal or general lowered tail means the cat is in a state of fear, retreat or an aggressive, hostile mood," he told Insider.  He said this is a sign they're not happy and you may want to look into figuring out why.

He also noted that the lower your cat's tail is, the more stressed your cat is, so keep an eye out for a lowered or tucked tail.

They bite.

It's a clear sign of resentment from adult cats.
Flickr/Evan Bench

All of the experts agreed that a clear sign of resentment from your cat is biting.

Although Nagelschneider stated that biting is normal behavior for kittens, she stated that full-grown cats should never be biting, especially when you reach out to try and pet them. If they are, they're not very pleased.

They walk away from you.

A chronic disinterest could be a sign they're not too pleased with you.

If you try to play with your pet and they're not interested no matter which toy you've got, it could be a sign they're unhappy.

Sure, it's normal for a cat to turn down playtime so they can relax now and then, but Hartstein told Insider that chronic disinterest in playful interactions could be a sign that your feline is not too happy with you.

They hiss at you.

It's a common red flag for adult cats.
Flickr/Chris Martin

All of the experts agreed that if your cat is hissing at you, then they're definitely upset.

If a full-grown cat is hissing, it's a surefire sign they're unhappy and potentially feeling threatened. But Nagelschneider noted that hissing, growling, and swatting are all normal behaviors in kittens as they try to develop.

They're friendly to everyone else except you.

It might mean they have a personal problem with you.
Andrew Burton/Getty Images

If your cat is cuddly and attentive to guests but refuses to engage with you, they might have a personal problem with you, Nagelschneider told Insider.

To try to get to the bottom of this, make sure your cat has all of its essentials — did you forget to feed them, refill their water bowl, or clean their litter box ?

All in all, the more attentive you are to your cat's living situation, the more likely they will warm up to you.

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